Why reclaiming our native medicine lineage is a foundation to Earth Games

One of my soul missions is to ripple out an unapologetic and joyous reclamation of our native medicine lineage. To honour and trust our own plants are immensely powerful evolutionary catalysts for our consciousness. And that you do not have to blow your circuits or travel to far flung jungle rituals to experience deep transformation.…

One of my soul missions is to ripple out an unapologetic and joyous reclamation of our native medicine lineage. To honour and trust our own plants are immensely powerful evolutionary catalysts for our consciousness. And that you do not have to blow your circuits or travel to far flung jungle rituals to experience deep transformation. A core principle behind Earth Games is connection to innocence, aliveness and wisdom right here at our finger tips.

I have found our plant and tree allies are key evolutionary assistants and power ups on our journey, especially those plugged into our local lands. To neglect these generous and supportive companions on our Earth adventure can make things unnecessarily arduous and lonely. Earther Gamers know how to optimise their body, life and level of the game with support from their plant allies.

It can be ever so easy on “The Path”, to be enticed by all kinds of over complicated and otherworldly shiny things, and sometime miss the spark of magic, waiting patiently in front of you. There is certainly value in experiencing the medicine teachings of other lands, I did myself, but to miss all the beautiful support from our lands, can leave us never feeling fully home or plugged into the greater web of intelligence around us.

My own journey took me to the depths of the Peruvian jungle and Andes, where I lived and worked with several charity projects in 2012-13. I did not go there seeking entheogenic plant medicines but they had plans for me. I got to know several local curanderos and attended multiple Ayahusca and Huachuma ceremonies over my time there. It changed my life, unravelled lifetimes of trauma and illness, but also it was TOO MUCH. It left me scared of my own life force and with no integration strategy in place. I received very limited support in terms of managing what ended up being a full kundalini rebirth process. My whole body shook violently for hours, with electric, white energy and I had no prior practices or framework to really understand what was safe or unsafe for me.

I do not regret these experiences, as they shaped my path and how I show up now for others going through “dark night of the soul” processes. It was a true initiation by holy fire! One message I kept receiving then, and in all the years that followed, was to ask my local plants and lands for support with my process. “Your plants and lands know your DNA” I was told, “they know your lineage, your soul path, what you need help with. They can work on subtle, gentle layers of your cells and energy body. They can ground you, anchor in all that life force, in a way that is less terrifying.”

So my reconnection to our native plant teachers was honestly birthed from trying to not go crazy off my jungle overload situation! I have certainly learnt this is the way be the mischievous, yet loving way nature intelligence works with us on our path. Sometimes we are flung into the fire, just so we can remember how held we truly are. Plus I now get to share things I’ve learnt along the way with you.

Important things the plants have taught me:

  • your depth of relationship with a plant (or tree) will shape the level of medicine you receive. All plants can act as evolution catalysts if you take the time to cultivate a nourishing and reciprocal dynamic
  • our native medicine lineage is never actually “lost”, it is encoded in your cellular memory and the plants and lands can reactivate it out of dormancy
  • our modern western bodies are often not accustomed to big fluxes in our energy field and it can push us into old trauma patterns such as dissociate and freeze. Coupled with a lack of integration/grounding following medicine ceremony, it is not uncommon for these type of rituals to leave people feeling more confused and fragmented.
  • some of the language/approach around plant ceremony had been coloured by patriarchal conditioning. This approach is focused on “pushing through ego, being flung into the Void, facing down our darkest demons”. But what if we kept receiving what we ask for? (this was a pivotal realisation on my path). Our conditioning around what it requires to heal and evolve will shape our whole experience around it. Believe it needs to be intense, dramatic, wrestling with karmic monsters….yep, this is what you keep manifesting.
  • my own evolution with the plants has seen me soften and change my narrative around what ceremony and healing can be like. I now call in ease, pleasure, play, tenderness, surrender, unity and easy. Shifting our combative polarity habits and kinky addiction to battling with our own psyches is a huge part of the inner work. This allows a vast spaciousness and ease to open inside us.
  • harnessing great transformative power doesn’t need to be linked to high dose, strict diets or rigid, repetitive rituals. This falls into the same area of “our beliefs shape the experience we have” and the old paradigm model that “we must punish ourselves to find freedom”. In Earth Games, we can chose our own rules of the game, so happily dispense with anything that doesn’t please us.

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