Well hello there, thank you for taking time to find out about me. My not so secret mission is to create as much fun, magic and mischief as I can…and invite others to come play. Much of my life I felt like an outsider, an alchemist, maverick, a weird wild force, with very few people to safely share that with. I decided to change that story and start embodying my luminous and chaotic magic, and let it magnetise other wonderous sparks to come hang out and play! I am someone in awe with the intelligence of the natural world and the human body, and how the two can combine to do phenomenal things. My life has been a deepening spiral into trusting life, trusting myself and dancing with the wild polarity forces in my body and the Earth. I also love stillness and solitude and sometimes I just hang out there, at the centre point. Which is a fun, relaxing game too. My interests include befriending trees, epigenetics, wild swimming, adventures on Dartmoor, elemental magic and listening to rumblings of the Primordial Void.
