Nature Play – more than a fun time, it is alignment to your super powers

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato As the name suggests, all events and spaces offered in Earth Games contain a healthy dose of playfulness. That is one of our core principles here, and how we show up for receiving a fuller,…

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” – Plato

As the name suggests, all events and spaces offered in Earth Games contain a healthy dose of playfulness. That is one of our core principles here, and how we show up for receiving a fuller, more juicy life. Our life energy flows when we relax and soften our rigid beliefs and narratives, and that is vastly easier to do when we can play and not worry about getting something “wrong”. I find it is the worrying about “getting it wrong” which holds most of us back from living fully and unleashing our genius and gifts into the world. By choosing to play, you are not just freeing yourself, you are potentially gifting that medicine to every other being.

We may chose play because it is freeing and nourishing in itself. We do not aways need a deep reason to show up for an Earth Game adventure (either one I offer or one of your own), sometimes it is simply about gifting ourselves some fun. Play can facilitate connection and repair of trust in others which is another core reason we may be drawn to it. Play can lower cortisol levels, reduce inflammation, aid nervous system repair and cultivate deeper trust in your body and the world around you.

Play, and specifically the nature play spaces I offer, are not about you always feeling happy or doing high energy antics. I want to make it clear that Earth Games and nature play are about embracing all of life with a light touch and curiosity, rather than numbing out or avoiding the darker stuff. My role is to create a safe container for you to explore the fluxes and dimensions of your inner landscape, and we welcome them all to take part. I offer invitations, game ideas and guidance, but ultimately the play is led by your myriad of inner parts and the living web of intelligence in nature. It is a synergy, a co-creative unfolding of human you and outer elemental you. Which is all one thing really, but we play the parts, because that is one of the foundation Earth Games we all signed up for!

No two Nature Play events are exactly the same, as they emerge organically from the wild forces in each of the people there, plus the land energies, plus whatever mischief we have collectively decided to call in that session. We may go on a group quest; have individual missions to unlock, or focus on co-creating a particular intention that arises in the group. We may bring tools/kit with us or just interact with the natural landscape. There could be a specific event set up by me or one of my collaborators, but there is also scope to dream of a game or location yourself and reach out to find others to play. I offer personalised Earth Games in the 1-2-1 Session section and can

My vision is that Earth Games grows from the seed I am planting here, into a blossoming wild forest of adventures and community all over the planet. I see nature play as a core aspect of thriving as a human, and living harmoniously and co-creatively with the rest of life here. I see Earth Gamers leading the way in helping others remember their core essence and their interconnectivity with the rest of life. My vision may be wide reaching, but equally it is driven by my own heart’s longing…to live bigger, let my magic out and find other playmates longing for the same.

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